
Šest zdrojů o nebi (ENG)

Doufáme, že vás tyto články a podcasty povzbudí, až budete přemýšlet o "slávě, která se má zjevit" v naší věčnosti s Ježíšem.

Šest zdrojů o nebi (ENG)

As we celebrate the launch of our Founding Chairman Cameron Cole’s new book: “Heavenward: How Eternity Can Change Your Life on Earth“, we hope you will enjoy some previously published resources on the topic of heaven. We hope these articles and podcasts encourage you as you consider the “glory to be revealed” in our eternity with Jesus.


What We Do Know About Heaven by Anna Meade Harris

“Meditating on the inexhaustible overflow of joy I will experience in heaven – knowing that the reality of it surpasses my capacity to dream – magnifies the hope I rejoice in here, today.”

Heaven is Not a Place on Earth by Ben Beswick

“Our heavenly home is a place where we will experience life as it was intended to be – God’s creation untouched by the Fall.”

Working Under Heaven by Katie Polski

“When all things are one day restored, and our eyes are no longer tarnished because of sin, we will see with clarity the beauty in the way God intended work to be. We will see to the fullest extent how we are made to be creative stewards of His creation, how we are meant to serve others through the work of our hands.”


Cameron Cole on “Heavenlymindedness” (Rooted Conference Podcast)

In his plenary at the 2021 Rooted Conference, Cameron Cole spoke about how “heavenlymindedness” can protect our children and youth from the hedonism that comes from denying the existence of the world to come.

Robby Holt on Glory, Grace, and Heaven (Rooted Conference Podcast)

In Robby Holt’s plenary talk from the Rooted 2018 conference, he helps us meditate on the beauty and glory of Jesus Christ while we await his second coming.

Robert Smith, Jr. on What Forever is For (Rooted Conference)

In this plenary talk from the Rooted 2018 Conference, preaching legend Robert Smith, Jr. reminds us that “forever is for God.”

Check out more Rooted resources on Heaven here (youth ministers) and here (parents).

Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

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