Lead like Jesus (Revisited)

Lead like Jesus (Revisited)

Ken Blanchard

Effective leadership—whether on the job, in the community, at church or in the home—starts on the inside. Before you can hope to lead anyone else, you have to know who you are. Every leader must answer two critical questions:

Whose are you going to be?
Who are you going to be?
One deals with your relationship to Christ. The other with your life purpose.

In this newly revised classic, renowned leadership experts Ken Blanchard, Phil Hodges and Phyllis Hendry Halverson guide readers through the process of discovering how to lead like Jesus. It really could be described as the process of aligning two internal domains—the heart and the head; and two external domains—the hands and the habits. These four dimensions of leadership form the outline for this very practical and transformational book. With simple yet profound principles from the life of Jesus, and dozens of stories and leadership examples, the authors will once again show us the way effective leaders lead.

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