Proč vedoucí mládeže potřebují odpočinek (a jak si ho dopřát!) (ENG)

Proč vedoucí mládeže potřebují odpočinek (a jak si ho dopřát!) (ENG)

Youth workers of all experience levels will find encouragement, practical wisdom, and (best of all!) refreshment in this episode of The Rooted Youth Ministry Podcast.

In this episode, Davis Lacey is joined by Clark Fobes, an emeritus member of Rooted’s Steering Committee. Clark began a new ministry position in September, and he shares about the weariness that those in the “start-up” phase of youth ministry experience. Prior to this role, Clark served in another church for about 8.5 years; he also shares about the effects of long-term fatigue, and, more importantly, how the Lord met him and refreshed him at the peak of his exhaustion. Youth workers of all experience levels will find encouragement, practical wisdom, and (best of all!) refreshment in this episode of The Rooted Youth Ministry Podcast.

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