
Základy víry a misie (ENG)

If someone asked you to explain what you believe as a Christian, how would you answer?

Christians need to stand firm in their faith, but when the winds of culture and thought change, do you feel equipped to resist and hold fast to the truth?


This series, featuring ABWE President Paul Davis, Scott Dunford, Dr. Tim Bertolet, and Alex Kocman of ABWE, seeks to address what we believe and why it matters.  

Each session in this series delves deep into these foundational doctrines, exploring their implications for our mission as believers. From understanding the nature of God, who Jesus is, and the role of the Holy Spirit, to the way of salvation and what happens in the last days, this series aims to equip believers with the theological grounding necessary for impactful work for the kingdom.

This eight-part video course is our gift to you to help equip you in your faith, confidence in your convictions, and give you a deeper understanding of the Bible.

Sign up here, and we’ll send you the course.

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