It is important for leaders to continually be reading and learning, and it is also helpful to be learning from other people outside of your tribes. And TED talks provide a great opportunity to listen to some of the most innovative leaders of our time.
Below is a list of ten essential TED talks for leaders:
1. Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks
While they might have different messages, this talk will show you that great speeches all have something in common that makes them, well, great. Watch and listen to find out what you can do to make your talks more powerful, motivational, and inspiring.
2. Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread
To be a leader, you can’t blend into the background; you have to stand out. This talk from marketing guru Seth Godin discusses why standing out sometimes means being a little weird or bizarre and how that’s actually a good thing, even though we might not see it that way at first.
3. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
Simon Sinek, an expert on leadership, showcases a simple, but effective model in this talk that can help show you how to be a more inspirational leader.
4. Fields Wicker-Miurin: Learning from leadership’s “missing manual”
Leadership doesn’t come with a handy user’s manual, and learning the ropes can take quite a bit of effort for those new to a leadership role. There are some guidelines just about anyone in a leadership position can look to for inspiration, however, and Fields Wicker-Miurin shares a few examples in this powerful talk. (However sometimes you just need a good coach)
5. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation
Think you know what will motivate the people you’re leading? As you’ll learn in this talk from Dan Pink, you probably don’t have a clue what motivates people. Watch to learn why traditional reward systems aren’t as effective as you might think and what you can do to truly motivate anyone under your leadership.
6. Diana Laufenberg: How to learn from mistakes
None of us are perfect, and even the best leaders will make mistakes now and again. In order to move forward. However, you’ve got to learn from those mistakes. Listen as teacher Diana Laufenberg shares some of the life lessons she’s learned, many of which can be applied to other leadership roles as well.
7. Itay Talgam: Lead like the great conductors
Conductors have a big challenge on their shoulders, having to bring dozens of instruments together into perfect harmony. Their work offers some inspiring and fundamental lessons for anyone in a leadership position, which you’ll find highlighted in this lecture.
8. David Logan on tribal leadership
Human beings naturally form tribes, whether at school, home, workplaces or even just waiting in line. Understanding these tendencies, as is discussed by David Logan, can help not only make us better leaders but better individuals as well.
9. Stanley McChrystal: Listen, learn... then lead
In this talk, former General Stanley McChrystal shares some of the most important lessons he learned about leadership during his years in the military, highlighting the importance of being willing to listen and learn from others.
10. Julian Treasure: 5 ways to listen better
Leaders not only need to be great speakers but also great listeners. In this talk, you’ll learn five critical tips for being a better listener that can in turn make you a better leader.
Jak můžete nejlépe využít tento zdroj?
- Požádejte Ducha Svatého, aby vám dal moudrost a vhled, co z tohoto zdroje použít a jak. Pak to proveďte.
- Sdílejte tento zdroj s ostatními, o kterých si myslíte, že je toto povzbudí a vybaví.
- Přečtěte si tento zdroj s někým (partnerem, přáteli, týmem, studenty, pastorem) a diskutujte o tom.
- Použijte tento zdroj k přípravě jednoho nebo více zamyšlení, kázání, seminářů, workshopů nebo lekce pro skupinku vaší mládeže nebo církve.
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